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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

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Soup Kitchen

Each week, the soup kitchen feeds a sizeable number of people/families from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. Everyone is welcome and no questions asked.

 We provide uncooked meal parcels and groceries, clothing items, bric-a-brac gifts, free advice centre and sign post our users to the right authority for the necessary help and assistance. This is done in a warm and friendly environment where all our guests are treated with warmth, respect and dignity.

Each Saturday, our pantry guests are able to take home at least two to three bags of food – one bag of dried food items, one of produce (fruits and vegetables inclusive), and one of protein and dairy.

We offer this service each Saturday from 12.00pm – 1.00pm.

Donations and grant fundings from Birmingham City Council, National Lottery Community Funds, National Grid – Community Matters Fund (Fuel Poverty) and donations from the church principally funds the smooth running of all our services.

A typical food parcel might contain a combination of:

Fresh fruits and vegetables, Pasta/Rice, Beans/Spaghetti hoops, Soup, Tinned pulses, Tinned vegetables, Tinned fish, Tinned meat, Pasta/curry sauce, Custard/rice pudding, Tinned fruit, Long life milk, Breakfast cereal, Jam/Peanut butter/Honey, Tea/Coffee, Biscuits, Toiletries (shampoo/shower gel/toothpaste/toothbrush/deodorant), Sanitary products (sanitary towels/tampons), Cat food/dog food, Household items (washing powder/washing up liquid/toilet paper)

We also offer;

Future Plans

Also take of opportunity to talk about spiritual matters.
New services will be:
  • Seat down meals
    Counselling Services

We are always keen to welcome new volunteers onto our team.