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Quick Work for Open doors


Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains were loosed”

Acts. 16:26

In our anchor scripture, we see something extraordinary happening. Paul and Silas were praying and praising God, which is purely a spiritual activity, without any doubt. Yet this led to the occurrence of an earthquake that shook the foundation of the prison to the point that prison doors began to open. It is also interesting to note two things: the doors were opened immediately. This implies that the doors were opened instantly. – it was quick! And since it happened as a result of the spiritual activity of Paul and Silas – praying and praising God, then there is no doubt that it was the work of God (Quick work of God).

The second thing that we must not overlook is that all the doors of the prison were affected, which highlights the fact that the quick work was so effective and all encompassing. It affected all the doors in the vicinity without any exception! As we take note of all these various factors, they can help to sharpen our faith in various ways. First, that this season, we can look up to God for divine quick work that will open doors for us, in every area of our lives. To understand this point very well, perhaps there is need to remind us that there are many kinds of doors: physical doors, spiritual doors, career doors, administrative doors, political doors, relational doors, etc. And all these doors can be opened divinely. All of them can respond to our activity of praying and praising God, our heavenly Father.

Therefore, our mindset this season is to be conscious of the need to pray and praise the Almighty God like never before and we can expect Him to intervene and open all manner of doors for us. This means that we should look forward to all manner of testimonies in our midst this season, to the glory of God. The simple summary of what we are saying is that we will praise God and pray to Him this season, until He is moved and open all our doors – all the doors that need to open for us to make progress, to prosper and for our joy to be full.

This is a very simple matter before our God, as long as we believe He can do it (John. 11:40, Mark. 9:23). And if we truly believe then we should both be excited and expectant! Because there is a hereafter (Prov. 23:18).

Glorious testimonies are going to spring forth in our midst, this season, to the glory of the Almighty God, in Jesus name! Amen!