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Quick Work for Open doors 2

Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come
because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days;
and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there
with the kings of Persia

Dan. 10:12-13

In continuation of our discussion on quick work (of God) for open doors series, our focus in this
part two is on Daniel – how he experienced the quick work of God that got his door open after he
had waited for 21 days. His extraordinary experience is well summarised in our anchor verses,
above (Dan. 10:12-13), and there are many areas we can learn from, which we can effectively
apply for our own benefits, as we seek God for divine quick works that will open our doors of
blessing this season, by the grace of God.
The first thing we want to note is that Daniel was a man that was known, acknowledged and loved
(respected) in heaven. This essentially means that Daniel had a good reputation in heaven! If we pause to take note of this, it should make us think, to ask ourselves, “what reputation do I have in heaven? Am I known for anything good in heaven? When I pray, how are my prayer being received in heaven?”, etc. The answer to these questions will help us to know how to realign ourselves in our relationship with God, this season. It also helps us to understand that, effective prayer is not just about words, it includes making sure that we apply ourselves correctly or acceptably before God.

Another area of focus is that, because Daniel has a good reputation of a holiness and humility in God’s sight. His prayers were answered instantly – the very first day (Dan. 10:12). Yet the answer did not get to Daniel until the 21st day. The reason being that the door was shut against the delivery of the answer. The lessons here are two-folds:

1) Good reputation before God will paves way for quick answer to our prayers. Therefore, we must make efforts to cleanse ourselves from all kinds of filthiness, this season, as we seek Him for divine intervention – it is for our own good (2Cor. 7:1, James. 1:21).

2) There could be a delay between an answered prayer and the manifestation of the answer of the same prayer. Testimonies come when the answered prayer has manifested in reality. There are some prayers we have prayed at some points in the past, and God has answered, but the enemy has not allowed the delivery of the answers. If we apply ourselves correctly this season, we will surely have testimonies, in Jesus’ name.

Thirdly, it is Important to note that Daniel did not stop praying, until he received his answer. Perhaps if he had stopped, he might not have got the answer.

Fourthly, when his answer was to come, it came by quick work! An archangel, Michael, was sent and he broke through instantly, putting an end to the siege (Dan. 10:13).

Finally, it is important to note that the kind of door we are dealing with in this particular discussion is a spiritual door/gate, put in place by the prince of Persia (Dan. 10: 13).

This season, I see every spiritual door that is separating us from our answered prayer being overthrown by divine quick work in Jesus’ name. Amen