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Overflowing Testimonies I

“And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile the child Samuel grew before he LORD” (1Sam. 2:21).

This month, we have the liberty to see God Almighty in the light of “overflowing testimonies”. The truth of the matter is that, it is only God who has the power to manifest in us, or take us to a place of overflowing testimonies. This can happenthrough a particular miracle manifested in our lives by God, which keeps paving
way for other great and overwhelming miracles, or when several miracles keep springing forth in our lives, in rapid successions, so that we cannot but sing and shout for joy. This is what the scripture refers to as, “out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry; I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will glorify them, and they shall not be small” (Jer. 30:19)

It goes without saying, that miracle working power of God that brings forth testimonies, is always accompanied with great joy (See Acts. 8:8). Therefore, wherever there are testimonies among God’s people, there will be voices of thanksgiving and merry making. It is also true that in the place where testimonies of God’s works abound, there we will experience multiplication and great glory. In the months preceding the present month (December), in Salvation Theatre, we have experienced the power of God for “increase”, “multiple increase”, followed by “overflowing increase”. During these periods, there have been glorious testimonies springing up in our midst at all levels – individuals, families, and the church at large. It is not a coincidence that the long awaited building permit for the church came during this period. And to crown it all, we had a glorious 21 days waiting on the Lord, during which He visited us like never before, with great deliverance and diverse testimonies.

The most interesting thing is that the testimonies have not ceased. Because in this new month, which coincides with the 25th anniversary of the church, God is set to do more wonderful things in His church for His own glory. Think about it, for 25 years (a quarter of a century), God has kept His church going, despite all the several attempts of the enemy to pull it down, or to hinder its progress. And now, God has chosen this time (this season) to give His church a new beginning. It’s a new beginning with God set to do new things for and through His church. We must know for sure that more testimonies are bound to spring forth, at all levels. That is certain! My prayer is that, as you read this message, your own testimonies will be part of the general glorious testimonies that will be springing up in our midst, this season.

You can just take a few minutes and pray to God, right now, for your own testimonies to spring forth quickly and in full measure, as we seek His face, together, as a church in these coming weeks, leading us to the fast approaching new year. May the Almighty God answer all our prayers! Amen.