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Overflowing Increase

“You crown the year with Your goodness and Your paths drip with abundance” (Psa. 65:11)..

Our anchor verse for this write-up tells us several things about the Almighty God that we might not have been conscious of. Let us take a look at some of them:

First is that God is full of goodness which basically means that God is good. In the book of Exodus, as the Lord interacted with Moses, who asked Him to show him His glory, He, at a point, revealed Himself to Moses, announcing Himself as follows, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth” (Exo. 34:6). This means that the Lord Himself confirms that He truly abounds in goodness – He is full of goodness. Now, if God abounds in goodness truly, then those who have been fortunate to benefit from that goodness, and are grateful, will be able to testify, according to Psa. 34:8. My prayer is that everyone reading this message will have cause to testify of God’s goodness in their lives, this season, in Jesus’ name.

Secondly, is that God is not just good, but He manifests His goodness to His creation, not just occasionally but continuously, throughout the year. In other words, there is no time that God ever stops being good to His creation. Again, this means that anyone who understands himself or herself as part of God’s creation can expect to experience the goodness of God at any time, and all the time. This is what our anchor verse portrays by “You crown the year with Your goodness” (Psa. 65:11). The psalmist, David, understood this point very well, hence he was able to declare confidently, “goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life” (Psa. 23:). With such declaration, David underscored the point that the goodness of God is available all the year round, for those who truly believes.

Thirdly, is the fact that the goodness of God can manifest in the dimension of the overflow, if we truly believe and apply ourselves accordingly. The last line of our anchor verse says, “Your paths drip with abundance”. For the path of anyone to drip with abundance means that such person is manifesting with overflow. It is only what is overflowing that can drip over. This gives us the understanding that everything about God occurs in the superlative and every blessing that flows to us from Him, is obtainable in the superlative. Therefore, as we seek God for overflowing increase in this season, let us be rest assured that, not only is it possible for Him to give us what we desire, He is in fact, willing to bless us to that extent, because of His goodness or good-naturedness towards us, His creation.

For us to make the most of this theme of overflowing increase this season, let us look at our lives, identify any area, where we want God’s visitation and pray earnestly for God to visit us by fire for overflowing increase. And may our mouth be full of testimonies in Jesus’ name!