“May the LORD give you increase more and more, You and your children” (Psa. 115:14)
Our God, the Almighty God is known for many things. For instance, the scripture refers to Him as God of peace (2Cor. 13:11, Phil. 4:9), God of love (2Cor. 13:11), God of mercy (Psa. 59:17), etc. However, in this discussion, according to the theme before us, we are focussing on Him as the God of increase. The justification for this position is well amplified in the anchor verse for this write up, above (Psa. 115:14).
This anchor scripture makes us to understand a few things about our God, with regards to the subject matter of increase, as follows: first is that God is capable of giving increase to the people He has created. This means that He has the ability, which of course should not be surprising to us, since we know that He is the Almighty God, who created us (Psa. 100:3) and power belongs to Him and Him only (Psa. 62:11). The only reason this point is coming up is so that we can remind ourselves and be mindful of it that we serve a God who is capable of giving us increase – the increase we so much desire and are yearning for, this season, our God is capable of giving it to us.
Secondly, is the fact that He is not just capable, but He is willing. In fact, He is willing to increase us maximally, and not just anyhow. This is why the scripture talks about increase “more and more”. When God chooses to increase us, there is no limit, as long as we continue to walk in His will and righteousness. It is good for us to know this, because it will help us to moderate how we apply ourselves in our walk with Him and in all that we do in life, generally speaking.
The third significant point is that when God increases us, He does it with the entire family in view. This is essential, because it is important to know that our God is a God of family. He started family, He defends family, and He Himself takes care of His family (Eph. 2:19). God goes out of His way to prove Himself loyal and magnanimous to the people He regards as members of His family.
In this context, we see God, taking His relationship with Abraham, whom He singlehandedly chose as His friend, seriously. His interest in families resonated during the time of his call out and separation from his kindred and father’s house (Gen. 12:1-3).
When God declared His expectations concerning Abraham at a crucial time, in their relationship, He did not leave his family out (Gen. 18:18-19). Also, at various times, when Abraham had major crisis in his marriage and family, God was there to help him out (Gen. 16:1-16; 21:5-15). Finally, the increase that Abraham experienced in life did not stop with him but continued with his seeds – Isaac (Gen. 26:12-13, 22 and 28) Jacob (Gen. 33:1-32) and Jesus Christ (Gal 3:14).
In the light of the above, as we call on the God of increase this season, let us do it with confidence, knowing that our lives and that of our families will never remain the same.